Weekly Money Check-Up

I’m pleased as punch to be participating once again in My Pretty Pennies Weekly Money Check-Up.  Here’s my latest installment: 1. The most I’ve spent this last week was $263 for groceries for my mother and grandmother.  I was supposed to take my mother’s credit card with me, but forgot.  She has been sick and…

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Weekly Money Check Up

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on make up.  I had run out of a few of the must-haves but was proud of myself for actually waiting until payday to buy them AND for only buying those things! 2. Today I feel reconciled towards money. 3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive…

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Weekly Money Check-up

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on my boss’s gift for Boss’s Day.  My team was supposed to be paying me back, but there are a couple of people that I know won’t. 2. Today I feel disheartened towards money. I’ve been putting more money into my savings and 401K which I know is…

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Wherefore art thou kindness

As most of you know, my dear friend Katie lost her son this year.  Today is his 19th birthday.  Katie and Henry’s story is featured on the Daily Beast today and in honor of Henry, her sister is asking friends and supporters to participate in Acts of Kindness for Henry. I think it’s a beautiful…

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MPP has taken a hiatus, so I’m on my own for this week’s  Money Check Up.  (I also found of she’s only 25 which makes me feel incredible old and impossibly immature about my financial habits. But she got herself out of $13,000 worth of debt and saved another $10,000 so I just need to…

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Weekly Money Check Up

I found this blog,  My Pretty Pennies, through one of the fashion sites I sporadically read, but I really liked the idea of a weekly money check up.  I know I need to do better with my budget and I am making some strides. Every little bit helps, I suppose, so here’s mine: 1. The…

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I am an avid blog reader

I loved to read blogs. I love to write. I love to facebook and I love to tweet. Why, oh why can I not find 15 minutes a week to update my freaking blog?  I’m not THAT busy.  Although, I have been really busy.  (I just typed “busty”, heh. I guess I’m that too.) We…

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Elizabeth Edwards

My friend Katie has a spot on post about Elizabeth Edwards on her blog.  I was so struck by it, I commented “I hope this ends up in Elizabeth Edwards’ inbox”.  If  you look at the other comments, you’ll see, Ms. Edwards did, in fact end up reading it.  I feel a lot better, knowing…

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Blog Stats

Yesterday was the busiest day ever for my blog.  I have no idea why.  None of my stats are really telling me anything.  Weird.

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I just found out that Lindsay Ferrier of Suburban Turmoil has a fashion and shopping blog, She’s Still Got It.  This makes me immensely happy.  See, she’s a HILARIOUS writer.  I first read her when I’d pick up a Nashville Scene while visiting, and occasionally I’ll read a few of her blog posts on Turmoil. …

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How the heck is it only Tuesday?

From The Onion: WASHINGTON, DC—After running a thousand errands, working hours of overtime, and being stuck in seemingly endless gridlock traffic commuting to and from their jobs, millions of Americans were disheartened to learn that it was, in fact, only Tuesday. “Tuesday?” San Diego resident Doris Wagner said. “How in the hell is it still…

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Market Square Web Cam

There’s a new webcam on Market Square. (My friend and local cool guy, Ian has had one for YEARS now, but whatever.) Its located near the Chamber. Pretty cool! http://web.knoxnews.com/chamber/ Although I do find it a bit odd, that when I posted this, there wasn’t a single person visible on the Square!?! From the Knoxblab.

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Post Secret Video

As many of you know, I love Postsecret.com. I read it every Monday morning. Its beautiful and cathartic, in a way. They’ve compiled a video in support of Postsecret and the Postsecret book. If you know anyone who might like it, please buy the book. Postsecret is the most-visited blog on the internet without any…

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Walk it off, dude…

This guy is walking across the United States from Myrtle Beach to San Francisco to celebrate a life change.  He’s already lost 100 lbs and it still trekking.  I wish I had known about it when he was at the Preservation Pub, I would’ve bought him a beer.  Good on him!

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I still have a lot to learn about blogging.

I’m pretty new to blogging. I’m trying to remember to post things, because if you don’t update very often, the random few that read your blog will stop reading it and I really do want readers. I don’t know why, but when the Blog Stat thingy is showing a decline, I feel like I’m just…

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