Weekly Money Check-Up

I’m pleased as punch to be participating once again in My Pretty Pennies Weekly Money Check-Up.  Here’s my latest installment: 1. The most I’ve spent this last week was $263 for groceries for my mother and grandmother.  I was supposed to take my mother’s credit card with me, but forgot.  She has been sick and…

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Weekly Money Check Up

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on make up.  I had run out of a few of the must-haves but was proud of myself for actually waiting until payday to buy them AND for only buying those things! 2. Today I feel reconciled towards money. 3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive…

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Weekly Money Check-up

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on my boss’s gift for Boss’s Day.  My team was supposed to be paying me back, but there are a couple of people that I know won’t. 2. Today I feel disheartened towards money. I’ve been putting more money into my savings and 401K which I know is…

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Weekly Money Check-Up

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on work clothes from a clearance sale. I feel only slightly guilty because I really needed the items and they we’re deeply discounted.  I got three skirts, a jacket and a blouse for under $100.  Not bad, I say. 2. Today I feel  pretty good towards…

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MPP has taken a hiatus, so I’m on my own for this week’s  Money Check Up.  (I also found of she’s only 25 which makes me feel incredible old and impossibly immature about my financial habits. But she got herself out of $13,000 worth of debt and saved another $10,000 so I just need to…

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Weekly Money Check Up

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on our vacation.  I will admit, that I let more of my energy go to fretting about money than I’d have liked but overall, I declare it a success. 2. Today I feel much better towards money. I have made some financial changes that are going…

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Weekly Money Check Up

*This is kind of a back dated weekly post.  We left for vacation so I missed this post.  I do, however, know the answers to the questions for the week though.* 1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on my manicure and pedicure. I thought about only doing the manicure so it wouldn’t…

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Weekly Money Check Up

I found this blog,  My Pretty Pennies, through one of the fashion sites I sporadically read, but I really liked the idea of a weekly money check up.  I know I need to do better with my budget and I am making some strides. Every little bit helps, I suppose, so here’s mine: 1. The…

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