Hate is not a family value.

Last week was tough because friends of mine were experiencing difficult times; they still are. But I was so impressed with the way communities leapt forward to offer condolences, prayers, food and literally, the shirts off their backs. It made me proud to be a part of the different groups of people here in East…

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Elizabeth Edwards

My friend Katie has a spot on post about Elizabeth Edwards on her blog.  I was so struck by it, I commented “I hope this ends up in Elizabeth Edwards’ inbox”.  If  you look at the other comments, you’ll see, Ms. Edwards did, in fact end up reading it.  I feel a lot better, knowing…

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Lumpy Lambert is an embarrassment to Knoxvillians and ALL Tennesseans alike.  I cannot believe that people continue to consider him a “viable” politician.  Like I said, ugh.

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