Hate is not a family value.

Last week was tough because friends of mine were experiencing difficult times; they still are. But I was so impressed with the way communities leapt forward to offer condolences, prayers, food and literally, the shirts off their backs. It made me proud to be a part of the different groups of people here in East…

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The man accused in Carrie Daugherty’s murder has been able to have his trial delayed again. So sad.

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Justice for Carrie

February 22nd is the next trial date for Carrie Daugherty’s murder. The man that murdered her has been awaiting a trial for nearly two years.  Her loved ones have been awaiting justice for as long.  His trial was last delayed in June of last year. And already, people have gone back to their normal lives…

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Hitting too close to home

Last night I got an email from my mother in law.  As I read the first paragraph, I assumed it was just a nice “Happy 4th of July” email and read on with a light heart.  As I read on, I realized it wasn’t as jovial as I’d hoped.   As it turns out, the South…

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Equal opportunity exposure

Since KnoxNews.com has a new article focusing on the women who are being arrested for prostitution (complete with photo gallery) in Knoxville, I thought I’d draw attention to the seemingly, little noticed PDF attached to the article with a list of all people arrested for SOLICITING a prostitute since 1999.  I think if there are pictures of…

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