Hate is not a family value.

Last week was tough because friends of mine were experiencing difficult times; they still are. But I was so impressed with the way communities leapt forward to offer condolences, prayers, food and literally, the shirts off their backs. It made me proud to be a part of the different groups of people here in East…

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In response to the question of the day

Well, you see Sam, that’s my point. In my opinion, if we base our laws on someone’s religion, then we’re just asking for people to break them saying, “But I don’t believe in your religion so I don’t like your laws”. I just can’t believe that so many people aren’t thinking ahead enough to realize…

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Question of the day

Now, I should preface this with the fact that I don’t know THAT much about the Jewish faith, and this isn’t really about anything Jewish, I just chose it as an example because I’m tired, and it’s all I could think of.  (If this offends my Jewish friends in some way I’m not thinking of, please let…

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