Weekly Money Check Up

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on make up.  I had run out of a few of the must-haves but was proud of myself for actually waiting until payday to buy them AND for only buying those things! 2. Today I feel reconciled towards money. 3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive…

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Weekly Money Check Up

I found this blog,  My Pretty Pennies, through one of the fashion sites I sporadically read, but I really liked the idea of a weekly money check up.  I know I need to do better with my budget and I am making some strides. Every little bit helps, I suppose, so here’s mine: 1. The…

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Elizabeth Edwards

My friend Katie has a spot on post about Elizabeth Edwards on her blog.  I was so struck by it, I commented “I hope this ends up in Elizabeth Edwards’ inbox”.  If  you look at the other comments, you’ll see, Ms. Edwards did, in fact end up reading it.  I feel a lot better, knowing…

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I just found out that Lindsay Ferrier of Suburban Turmoil has a fashion and shopping blog, She’s Still Got It.  This makes me immensely happy.  See, she’s a HILARIOUS writer.  I first read her when I’d pick up a Nashville Scene while visiting, and occasionally I’ll read a few of her blog posts on Turmoil. …

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