Wherefore art thou kindness

As most of you know, my dear friend Katie lost her son this year.  Today is his 19th birthday.  Katie and Henry’s story is featured on the Daily Beast today and in honor of Henry, her sister is asking friends and supporters to participate in Acts of Kindness for Henry. I think it’s a beautiful…

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I just found out that Lindsay Ferrier of Suburban Turmoil has a fashion and shopping blog, She’s Still Got It.  This makes me immensely happy.  See, she’s a HILARIOUS writer.  I first read her when I’d pick up a Nashville Scene while visiting, and occasionally I’ll read a few of her blog posts on Turmoil. …

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And here is the weirdest Christmas gift we’ve ever given:

My wonderful 10 year old niece is bright, creative, and unique.  She also loves mushrooms.  It was these things that made us think she might like having a Mushroom Log.  It was one of those gifts that either is well-loved or it goes over like, well, a log. We laughed at the though of giving…

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This is just completely inappropriate. What are we telling young people that there is a stripper pole at a KIDS SHOW!?  A CHILD dancing one a stripper pole.  My friend Katie pointed out that the young girls who are seeing this oversexualized message are then hit with the “Just Wait” campigns at school and church. …

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