Weekly Money Check Up

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on our vacation.  I will admit, that I let more of my energy go to fretting about money than I’d have liked but overall, I declare it a success.

2. Today I feel much better towards money. I have made some financial changes that are going to be a good thing and that feels good.  All I can do is make steps in the right direction, every chance I get.

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was drive through Valley Forge with B. and Grammie.  They have a audio tour on CD that you can buy, which we almost did, or you can use your cell phone to call a directory and get the same stories and descriptions over the phone. We hooked up the iPhone through the speakers and could dial up whatever we were seeing.

4. I will consider this week a success if I don’t shop online or in person and don’t overspend in Atlanta.

5. One of my most memorable birthdays was when my husband got me a special necklace that I had mentioned that I liked.  It was made from a typewriter key and we saw it in a specialty boutique in Chattanooga.  I’m certain he could have found it online and I’d have never known the difference, but he wanted to get the exact one that I said I liked. He had to sneak and give my father the money for it, as well as describe it, in detail, so my dad could know what to get.  It was no easy task.  No one wonders why I married this man…

Greetings from Asbury Park

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