Fat girl running

  I have recently rededicated myself to living a healthier life. Of course I’m focusing on my eating habits, I’m exercising more, and I’ve even added some activities that should help me be healthier both mentally and spiritually. Let’s hope it sticks. Becoming more active is both invigorating and terrifying. I hate how I picture…

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Stuff that works – Christmas edition

Ok. I’ll admit it. I’m a bit of a Scrooge about Christmas music.  I think it’s because people start playing it in November these days and I just get sick of it.  It’s probably more than that, because I don’t really remember ever liking any Christmas songs.  Dolly’s Hard Candy Christmas is good; I’ve always…

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Wherefore art thou kindness

As most of you know, my dear friend Katie lost her son this year.  Today is his 19th birthday.  Katie and Henry’s story is featured on the Daily Beast today and in honor of Henry, her sister is asking friends and supporters to participate in Acts of Kindness for Henry. I think it’s a beautiful…

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Hate is not a family value.

Last week was tough because friends of mine were experiencing difficult times; they still are. But I was so impressed with the way communities leapt forward to offer condolences, prayers, food and literally, the shirts off their backs. It made me proud to be a part of the different groups of people here in East…

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Someone somewhere is having the worst week of their life.

This week, it happened to a couple of really good people. I feel selfish even mentioning it because none of the struggles were actually mine but those of my friends. It’s never good when your friends make the local news. Our friend Jay Pfaffman’s house burned down this week. He, his dog Thor, and Thor’s…

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The man accused in Carrie Daugherty’s murder has been able to have his trial delayed again. So sad.

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Justice for Carrie

February 22nd is the next trial date for Carrie Daugherty’s murder. The man that murdered her has been awaiting a trial for nearly two years.  Her loved ones have been awaiting justice for as long.  His trial was last delayed in June of last year. And already, people have gone back to their normal lives…

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Ace is the place with the helpful hardware man

We had another weekend of snow.  On Friday night/early Saturday morning, my mom called to let us know that they were out of power from the snowstorm.  My mom takes care of my 94 year old grandmother so it was a bit nerve-wracking to think of her without heat.  They had an old kerosene heater,…

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Cozy crawlin’

I was out of town last weekend and didn’t get to join in the SnugPubCrawl festivities, but it sure sounds like they had fun.  I was following the hashtag (#snugpubcrawl) on twitter and vicariously enjoying myself.  This is why social media is fun. It’s SOCIAL!

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Meetin’ in the ladies’ room

I went to my favorite store, New York and Co. over the weekend because my very sweet mother-in-law gave me a bit of shopping money to celebrate my new position at work.  Usually I’m the kind of shopper that picks up a thing or two here or there, mostly at discount stores. But this time,…

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When uncool is cool

My friend Maggie is the coolest person I know.  She’s in a band.  She’s a bartender.  She’s an artist.  She’s incredibly smart.  She dresses in a style that looks effortless, cute skirts, unassuming pigtails and a broken-in pair of chucks, but that also exudes attitude.  A tattoo referencing her band, represented in the form of…

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Equal opportunity exposure

Since KnoxNews.com has a new article focusing on the women who are being arrested for prostitution (complete with photo gallery) in Knoxville, I thought I’d draw attention to the seemingly, little noticed PDF attached to the article with a list of all people arrested for SOLICITING a prostitute since 1999.  I think if there are pictures of…

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Friends on TV

I usually take Saturday mornings to learn a little about what’s going on in popular music, or at least what’s popular on the video front.  I don’t ever watch the WHOLE thing, but as I scan the news channels, I do linger on vh1’s Top 20 Countdown to catch a few videos here and there….

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